The World Spiritual Health Organization (WSHO) is committed to sustaining the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct as an organization and as individual spiritual practitioners.
WSHO is grounded in the guiding principle of ‘Character first, Competence always.’ We maintain one without the other is hypocrisy and Phariseeism. Therefore, both personal character and professional competence, as well as genuine compassion, are sine qua non to effective ministry and optimum clinical pastoral outcomes.
Professional Honor Code
WSHO members and trainees affirm and commit to diligently abide by the standards and responsibilities outlined in the WSHO Professional Honor Code:
“As a professional member (or trainee) of the World Spiritual Health Organization—
I will serve my God and the people of the world with unassailable character, professional competence and attentive compassion.
I will act at all times and in all places respectfully and professionally, while exercising moral courage and humility.
I will faithfully and to the best of my ability live by the WSHO mantra regarding spiritual health: Where spirituality is alive, sustain it; where it is dormant, revive it; and where it is absent, invite it.
I will abide by the laws of the land where I live, and to the ethical standards of my employer and given profession.
I will consistently maintain my professional credibility and credentials through regular personal and peer group accountability for my stewardship/ministry.
I promise to be an upstanding member/ambassador of the World Spiritual Health Organization, and to be loyal, responsible and committed to the standards and expectations to which I have committed therein."
(Member’s Signature and Date)
Members will provide an annual written stewardship report of their ministry and continuing education consistent with the level of their certification credential. (WSHO Form: Annual Re-certification Renewal Report). This annual report includes reaffirmation of the members’ sustained commitment to abide by WSHO’s Professional Honor Code and ethical standards and
Ethics Complaint Protocol
The guiding principles in adjudicating ethic complaints shall be fairness, honesty and “the presumption of innocence” until proven otherwise. The member who is the subject of the complaint will be afforded full opportunity to provide both written and in-person rebuttal of the complaint.
Any breach, or suspected breach, of WSHO’s Professional Honor Code, ethics and expectations will be conducted as directed in this protocol.
1. The complainant: shall provide a written explanation of the alleged breach in ethical conduct. This statement should include the precise nature of the complaint, where it occurred, when it occurred, who was involved and/or witnessed the alleged misconduct, etc. The complainant will provide this written complaint to the WSHO Chapter Leader of the accused member.
2. Chapter Leader: shall upon receiving an official complaint immediately launch a review of the complaint to determine if it has merit. The Chapter leader will also immediately provide notice either verbally or email, to the Director of Professional Ethics about the complaint. The Chapter Leader should make every effort to resolve the matter at the chapter level. If this is not possible, the Chapter Leader will provide the WSHO Director of Professional Ethics with a full account of the complaint and his/her efforts unsuccessful efforts to resolve the matter.
3. WSHO Director of Professional Ethics: shall investigate all aspects of the complaint by reviewing the findings from the Chapter Leader and also interviewing the complainant, the accused, and any witnesses. The Director of Professional Ethics has the following three tasks to accomplish within 30 days of receiving a formal ethics complaint:
— Conduct and complete a thorough investigation to provide a formal report of his/her findings to WSHO Executive Leadership.
— Provide his/her recommendation to WSHO Executive Leadership.
— If deemed necessary, the WSHO Director of Professional Ethics is authorized to “deputize” no more than two senior members to assist him/her in providing a fair and complete investigation of the complaint.
4. Executive Review: WSHO Executive Leadership will review all the findings connected to the complaint and will seriously consider the corrective recommendations provided by all parties involved. Any and all corrective actions to be taken are only authorized at the WSHO Executive Leadership level. Chapter Leaders and the Director of Professional Ethics must receive prior approval of any remedial actions against a member.
Authorized Corrective Actions, include:
— Dismissal: the case is considered without merit and standing
— Verbal Censure: from Chapter leader and/or Director of Professional Ethics
—Written Censure: From the Director of Professional Ethics
— Probation and Mentoring: for a time-period designated by the Executive Review Board (typically from a minimum of 3 months up to a maximum of 12 months)
— Revocation of Credential: permanent removal and invalidation of professional credential. (This action can only be taken by WSHO Executive Leadership)
5. Appeal Process: If either the complainant or the subject of the complaint is not satisfied with the findings, the recommendation of the chapter leader and/or Director of Professional Ethics, and/or the outcome of the case he/she can request an appeal which must be made in writing and sent directly to the President of WSHO for review and final determination.