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WSHO holds affiliate status with The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada, but is not an accredited member of the Association. You can find WSHO listed on the official ATS website - Affiliates (
WSHO trains to a STANDARD rather than to a time-frame. Four quarters are required to complete the CPE training. CPE can usually be completed within one calendar year. Upon successful completion of four quarters of Clinical Pastoral Education, graduates may apply for a provisional board certification while they complete their 500 post-CPE clinical hours. This may also be accomplished through a fifth quarter/CPE Fellowship.
Each CPE training center processes applications received and conducts admissions interviews based on standards established by the World Spiritual Health Organization. In general, CPE centers accept theological and rabbinical students, ordained religious leaders, members of religious orders, and qualified lay people who have at a minimum a Bachelor’s Degree. Applicants must submit a written CPE application to the CPE Training Supervisor of their choice, and be available for an admission interview.
To better recognize and serve a wide spectrum of professional experience and training, WSHO is unique in offering four levels of professional credentials: Certified, Associate Board Certified, Board Certified, and Master Board Certified.
Chaplains, CPE Supervisors, and Mental Health Counselors who already have significant clinical training (CPE and/or certification from a recognized organization) may receive reciprocal credit towards WSHO certification. Equivalencies for education and clinical hours will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
WSHO extends professional certification credentials in the following areas: Professional Chaplaincy, Spiritual Mental Health Professional, Inspirational Religious & Spiritual Artist/Curator, Religious/Spiritual Educator, Ambassador of Spirituality/Affiliate Spiritual Care Provider, and Supervisor/Trainer in Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE).
Similar to a professional business franchise, a WSHO CPE Supervisor/Trainer may conduct their own CPE training in a variety of ministry settings under the auspices and accreditation of the WSHO enterprise. CPE Supervisors/Trainers from other agencies who desire dual certification may apply for reciprocity of credentials as well as a WSHO training license and contract to form and lead a WSHO CPE program.
A unique feature of WSHO is our post-CPE peer mentoring designed to assist, support and shepherd colleagues who have completed four units/quarters (1600 hours) of Clinical Pastoral Education, and who are focusing on a sub-specialty area of ministry (e.g. palliative care) as the work towards WSHO board certification. In addition to the traditional 1600 hours of CPE, an additional 500 post-CPE peer-mentored clinical hours are also required to apply for WSHO board certification. The 2100 total supervised clinical hours is the highest is the highest industry standard in the world.
WSHO is a proud and honored supporter of military chaplaincy, regardless of denomination or branch served. We recognize the value of training and ministry of military chaplains, and provide advanced CPE credit (up to 1 quarter) for military chaplains, active duty or retired, who are approved into the program.